Pharmacy Exam Review

Smoking Cessation


    • Strong correlation between counseling and quitting success. (session should be >10 mins and >4 sessions). Smoking causes induction of P450 system. Quitting smoking can experience side effect from supra-therapeutic level of drugs : caffeine, theophylline, fluvoxamine, olanzapine, clozapine. Pharmacologic intervention recommended in patients smoke 10 or more cigarettes/d.
    • Treatment guideline recommends a therapy with a long acting product with minimal withdrawal symptoms(bupropion, varenicline, transdermal nicotine patch), along with a short acting therapy (nicotine gum, lozenge) to help with breakthrough craving.

5 "A"s

    • Ask about tobacco use
    • Advise to quit
    • Assess the willingness
    • Assist
    • Arrange

NRT (nicotine replacement therapy)

    • FDA prohibits nicotine products sale to age <18. Gum reduce/delay weight gain. Nasal spray has the fastest onset, useful for rapid relief of withdrawal.
    • Gum should be chewed slowly until a favored taste emerges, then park between cheek and gum for 30 mins or until taste disappears. Avoid eating and drinking beverage for 15 mins before and after. Use 1 piece q1-2 hrs.
    • Frequent continuous puffing for 20 mins, once a cartridge is opened, only good for 1 day. Effect decrease below 40 F.
    • Patch is worn for 24 h or 16H to avoid insomnia/vivid dream. If >10 cigs/day, use 21mg x 4 weeks, then 14mg x 2 wks, then 7mg x 2 wks.

bupropion (Zyban)

    • 150mg qd x 3 days, then BID. Takes about 1 week for the med to start working.
    • BBW: suicidal thinking, neuropsychiatric warning was removed in 2016
    • SE: dry mouth, insomnia (just like smoking), constipation, no sexual dysfunction like other agents
    • CI: h/o SZ, eating disorder, use of MAOI w/in 14 days
    • Do not exceed 450mg daily due to seizure risk

Varenicline (Chantix)

    • Nicotinic receptor agonist
    • Start 1 wk before quitting; med guide required, most effective smoking cessation at 12 weeks therapy
    • 0.5mg qd x 3 days, 0.5mg BID x 3 days, then 1 mg BID - PC with a full glass of water to avoid nausea
    • (BBW: neuropsychiatric events (depression, suicidal ideation) stop if pt become hostile, agitated) warning was removed in 2016.
    • SE: nausea, abnormal dreams, angioedema, serious skin reaction, increased appetite
    • Caution/contraindication: psychiatric disorder, renal(CrCl <30), CV dz

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